… “Friday”


Just awakened

no reason why

the sure-less sound

of offspring’s

aging ‘modern’ flivver

a tinny “Flicka”

doors close

and the Elves ‘tap’

driver’s cadence

with “hobby” powered power

unto a Sun’s unknown position


She’s into the being

into the Being

that’s into being into

being around her Being


It’s been THAT

type of altas houras

start of my “FRIDAY”




Published in: on June 13, 2014 at 6:37 am  Leave a Comment  
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this for who dared Marry ME
a distant thought called LOVE
although there’s no longer “WE”
the OUTSIDE push and shove…

you were the ONE
that answered my dream
left your personal signatory
on the “wish” list
YOUR words were larger than Vermont
coming by way of a most gorgeous “flower’

We tipped, you up… me OVER
skin like a Tulip’s petals
hair as tawny as fresh mint penny
You told me you loved me… silently
the petals brailllicly impressing
my ‘moosh ‘speed reading
the celebration of “want”
unveiled us
your topography an awe
this “world” would take MORE than EIGHTY DAYS

“WE” stood in wrapped attention
your invitation by catches
of your breaths drawing me
finding ‘merged’ you collected “tears”
of your ‘welcome’
washed us
in love’s musks

We’ve held each other VERY tightly
even these days, Years, MILES apart
“WE” were as ONE …THEN

Published in: on March 28, 2014 at 9:10 pm  Leave a Comment  
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For a sum of FOUR YEARS I’ve tried to GIVE the arena of HEALTH / RESEARCH FUNDING an INNOVATIVE tool that just happens to be SIMPLE in its EFFECTIVENESS. After seeing [COMPANIES] that are FOR PROFIT turn their item into a “MINE” it amazes me that too many of the funders haven’t noticed, or LISTENED TO the CANARIES. The term of our current President HAS been focused on the NATION’S abilities to KEEP its CITIZENRY a HEALTHY, FUNCTIONAL GROUP. [THNQ ENTERPRISES] HAS BEEN seeking to do its part, (Self made.), WITHOUT using the funding FOR “ADMINISTRATIVE SALARIES”. If you’d look at the underlying ‘leadership of MANY you WOULD see that the C.E.O.’s have names that were “IN THE NEWS” for NEFARIOUS REASONS, (Michael Milkin got out of prison for his  [“SNAKE OILS”], yet, upon release has used his ’bout’ with PROSTATE CANCER to begin to earn a very handsome INCOME, that may rival his “JUNK BOND” days, by starting THE PROSTATE CANCER FOUNDATION.). I have NO SUCH aspiration to use “the WATCH” for my personal improvement! Though with it I DO plan on using its “notoriety” to begin the development of other ideas… BUT, NOT THE MONIES(!), IT goes to HEALTH RESEARCH. Other than the Company that is the ‘supply line’ I MAY turn $1.25 as “INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OWNER”. For the quoted initial sum of $25K I am able to have close to 5k items for Organizations and such to offer a “remind-full” THANK YOU to those that HAVE the HUMANITY to try to rid another of THEIR SUFFERING(S).

Having WRITTEN to  / [“DEAR MISTER PRESIDENT”]   SEVERAL  TIMES(!), I cannot stop working FOR the SUCCESS of something that WOULD HELP so many. The REASON that I’m writing today IS that there have been some “likes” of the post written, and in that I wonder HOW that THIS PORTAL could NOT have those “liking” to SAY SOMETHING to others about what they’d read and “found LAUDABLE”. That IS the “REASON” that these blogs started and “grew”. This, [SHOULDN’T HAPPEN], again in OUR LIFETIME.

The problem I witness most is that the ‘WORLD’ HAS been TRAINED to be so “SELF” absorbed that the word “SOCIAL” ISN’T about the “COMMON GOOD” but  THE “GOOD” THAT may be “in-common”. The search “FOR”, and, if “IT” is found for whatever time it is, it becomes ALL CONSUMING at the detriment of ALL ELSE. THAT’S NOT WHAT “WE” are here “FOR”. It IS to GROW and IMPROVE… OUR SELVES and OTHERS, the intermixing is JUST LIKE the CELLS that make “US” the “individuals” that we are. Until the “PACKAGE” wears out and gets REASSEMBLED into ANOTHER… “INDIVIDUAL”. ALL points in between are the “design” of “whatever” put “REALITY” in OUR FOCUS.

That’s about the gist of my spending this energy here. The desire to do SOMETHING “JUST”… FOR ANOTHER. Because “WE” could be the NEXT… TO NEED.


The phone number HAS changed: 614-893-1591


If you do decide to witness the site the rendition of the offering ISN’T “WHAT IT WILL LOOK LIKE”. In order to protect the “design” a simplistic  collage of the FUNCTION is presented. DO USE those wonderful IMAGINATIONS that YOU ALL HAVE. And lastly… DO SPREAD THE “WORD”!

Published in: on December 5, 2013 at 7:58 pm  Leave a Comment  
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A Word As BOND, How Would He Play It

Playing “Middle” of Two Side Sided Gamble

Playing Pivot to a Two Spoke Gyroscope

In the Gamble For the White House:
A Dealer Throws An “ACE” Between the ‘PAIR’

These are the tines of a TRIDENT Post being publicly delivered to one Barack Hussein Obama and,
Willard Mitt Romney men that are telling us that THEY are the “BEST” choice for this nation’s basic survival, and the reinstatement of its growth… ECONOMICAL and otherwise. Both have spoken of HOW their tactics will bring a REMISSION from the CANCER(S) eating at the entire body of American SOCIETY, BUSINESS, EDUCATION and HEALTH with a zeal greater than a “Crack-Head” that just found a 55 gallon barrel of “Peruvian Pink”, HOSPITAL grade Cocaine. (There’s a REASON for the simile.)

For the past several months the jotter posting as “omegetymon” has held a literary Bullhorn to as many that are ‘SUPPOSED’ to be finding WAYS to FUND HEALTH RESEARCH as cordially as possible, with the focus zeroing on CANCERS and such. Obtaining facts by gleaning basic statistics from Government sites, watchdog groups, and through the LACK of RETURN of an Email contact…
( Prostate Cancer Foundation: Michael MILKEN= President/C.E.O.!?!)…
that ISN’T a DENIAL ,or preservation of the ‘INDUSTRY’ STANDARD 55% staffing PAYROLL.

I have an honest, inexpensive and EXTREMELY USEFUL INNOVATION that ANY, and ALL may implement FOR HEALTH RESEARCH FUNDING. The HINDERANCES to completing this SMALL BUSINESS VENTURE is that…

a.) Already established AMERICAN manufacturers REFUSE to build the item,
“Because “IT” wasnt’ one of THEIR “IN-HOUSE” generated ideas…

Therefore I have fallen into the basement of the little house of the “DOOR of the CRESENT MOON”, forced into the practice of OUTSOURCING even before the “E-INK” is dry.

The ‘CHALLENGE’ is simple. WHICH ONE of these powerful PROMISSARIES HAVE the GUTS to REACH THIS FAR “DOWN” to an UBER “minority”, ( Above 55 years old, receiving their LAST UNEMPLOYMENT check, “fairly” educated and of EUR-AFRO-INDENTURED lineage.), to PROVE their point(s) of WHAT THEY tell the WORLD works WORKS! Yes, the laws concerning where public money can be used. But, the premise here is for these “STATESMEN” to use their Business acumen to persuade those that could make this idea come to fruition.

WORDS and DEEDS ‘Gentlemen’, HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of Dollars, Krona, Fracs, YEN, Yuan, Rubles and Rupees ARE, HAVE BEEN and WILL BE SPENT on *”AIR TIME”… something that MOVES us, but is easy to get through. *(A carrier of SMOKES, to ecological, OR PERSONAL regions.)

As before, the proposal is for the assistance to create for MORE than a “PAYCHECK”, for more than having meals of “Kennel Chow” to stretch the S.S.I. dolances sooner than than later. This would PROVIDE JOBS, to a few, but PROVIDE none the less. (And, after the confusing revelation of JOBS “Created” versus the increased percentage of the J.O.B.L.E.S.S., this IS a POSITIVE action waiting “at the GATES”.)

To use a phrase that may be familiar to some… “This is HOW it works”.

To PROVE “your” point(s) of being able to “create jobs” the ONLY “item(s) requested is the miniscule sum of $25,000. This funds the final DESIGN, PROGRAMMING, and MANUFACTURING of the ‘INNOVATION’ with the original business that STILL WAITS to begin this. Of this the renumerence I’ll “get” is, (about), $.42 per unit. The distributor does what a “distributor” does for their lively-hood leaving the FUND RAISING ENTITIES to entice the ‘DONORS’ with an item that represents the CRUX of the reason altogether.

The “wonderful thing about this venture is that I’m not becoming a millionaire on selling just “air”. The item is representative of WHAT malady it is eradicating, (26, plus, ways it can be looked “at”.), and it allows for the ‘ALCHEMY’ of making Pb into AU.

Misters OBAMA and ROMNEY, I have dealt you two a single card. Which of YOU can muster the TESTOSTERONE LEVEL to STIPPLE this corporate CEILING?


It’s too easy
to jump
a push by the simple
words destroying
stamen, stirrup, anvil
delivered by GREED’S
“TRIP” hammer

The reason’s left
notes taken
from the staff
holding twin serpents
can’t heal the self
positional glamours

times three
fetal, supine,
base mandible ascending
reverse the final
find new lessons

Published in: on December 27, 2011 at 12:55 am  Leave a Comment  
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Eradicating the BULLIES…

… From the TOP DOWN !
As I began to “see” what I’d scribble today the online news gave the sparkle of what/ who is teaching our children their BEHAVIORS (http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/133858078.html). As I looked for added value, corroberating informations, I came across a blog “FOR” ‘EDUCATORS’, (http://www.teacher-world.com/teacher-blog/). The fact that those that chose the PROFESSION of being paid to provide youth with the tools to become ‘ADULTS’ is more than commendable. BUT, if that desire was to couple with a “sinister” addendum these “people” should have been vetted a bit MORE CLOSELY. If a DOCTOR is REQUIRED to take the HIPPOCRATIC OATH…
( A Modern Version of the Hippocratic Oath)

I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:

I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.

I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures which are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.

I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon’s knife or the chemist’s drug.

I will not be ashamed to say “I know not,” nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient’s recovery.

I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.

I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person’s family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.

I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.

I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.

If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help…
…In words that bind them “TO DO NO HARM !!!
I believe that it IS TIME that those who seek to INFLUENCE the children of THIS, and OTHER, nations to repeat, and HOLD TO/ BE HELD TO, as great or GREATER, OATH of doing the BEST that they may throughout their “PRACTICE” of being an ‘EDUCATOR’.
From what is, INCREASINGLY, appearing throughout the halls, classrooms, (AND locker rooms.), those FEW that have included an added “AGENDA” should be allowed to remain employed via a similar pay scale that they are teaching the youth in their charge.
That would be POORLY.
If, by the ‘standards’ of government agencies FOLLOWING a child’s progress through their records, there is no behavioral vetting of those that seek to “GIVE” their talents to “the future” then the “FUTURE ” will be flawed beyond repair.

Published in: on November 19, 2011 at 8:05 pm  Comments (2)  
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To Un-Squander BIRTHDAY Gifts

The [AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY] has been working very hard for over one-hundred years. Against a group of diseases that are uglier than WAR itself. My family has benefited from the diligence of the Researchers and Doctors throughout the existence of the “A.C.S.”
The reason that there ARE more birthdays is because of the intense studies… and ACCIDENT. Don’t believe me, look at the story of how [SOCCER BALLS and FULLERENES] “unknowingly” gave us the model for [CARBON] in its most pure, and strongest yet form.

What if business and science refused to USE the beneficial properties of this wonderful substance? It would be like throwing it into the trash. How do people become convinced to enhance what they’re doing? Why do they ignore what is a betterment of their current efforts? What can one, who’s making such offer do to get an organization to increase their achievements with less effort? I’ve SUCH an innovation that the CANCER RESEARCH ASSOCIATIONS and GROUPS ARE IGNORING. So I appeal to them through you…

they keep rejecting my BIRTHDAY gifts
the ones made just for you
they say “how nice” then turn away
“there’s trophies, the rest just muddle through”
I want to see more BIRTHDAYS
not for me; for this blanket called Man-“kind”
and, not with days of [RENKINS]
glass smooth coifs with Turbans ‘twined
tell them that you share these BIRTHDAYS
’cause RIBBONS look like tiny rainbows
we need the Gold pots at their ends

If you know someone that has, or is concerned about the eradication of, CANCER let them know about your reading about it in this post. COMMENT for contact. Thank YOU!

The Effects of (a) Protest

Democracy, as it’s grown “into”, is a very interesting entity. Its parts lend to its strengths, as well as its weaknesses. When those that interfere with the day-to-day processes do so to the point of “the NEEDS of the MANY” are outweighed “by the needs of the FEW” there have been times when it’s TOO LATE to sit down and discuss/ in DISGUST over TEA.
As we sit here, in this moment, there are so many that have found that WHAT they collectively WANT is worth dismantling dreams that others insisted were their own.
What if the athletes of this nation’s major sports decided to make THEIR statements about IMMIGRATION and RACE by refusing to play in the STATES and Cities that socio-institutionally hindered those of the “players'” nation “of” ? Be it BIRTH, ANCSESTRY, MARRAIGE or the like? In this time of what makes our neighborhoods [VIABLE]* and, how these STATES and Cities create an economy for “the [MASSES] it’s time for Corporate C.E.O.s and their political fodder to think about the “what if” of what happens when a [NELSON CRUZ] is aware that a few family members have been hassled so much by their employer’s overzealous immigration policies that HE has talked to enough players that sitting out a season won’t hurt him as much as his PENNANT driven team owner? Multiply that by the carelessnesses of the incoming [GENERATION] of players and you see that those with an “[INVESTMENT] “might” find a way to get some changes that are just as Nationally [LUCRETIVE] as a [WERNHER von BRAUN]. You may think that this analogy is absurd but, Baseball has been with us since the just after the [\"CIVIL\" WAR]. Whereas the U.S. Manned Space program is from 1962.
If this idea seems far-fetched to you, go to Syria, Egypt, Yemen and such… Ask that young Man, or [WOMAN] what the strength of PEOPLE can/ WILL do. Then think of how the few stars from [AFRICA], or [CHINA] might be EFFECTUAL.

2.)[LOST] “Viablities”